It’s easy! Place your order—we’ll let you know when you can expect your order to be ready.
Visit the pick-up window to get your order. If you’d like to add anything to your order, that’s fine! Just walk around to the front for any additional items you need.
Leave the kitchen clean-up to us. You can order and dine in our dining room or take your meal to our outside seating area (weather permitting).
Warrior Drive-In & Pizza
3393 Park Ave. W.
Ontario, OH, 44906
Phone: (419) 529-8922
Follow us on:
Tuesday - Thursday
11 AM - 9 PM
11 AM - 10 PM
Closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for worship and family time.
Job Opportunities
Warrior Drive-In & Pizza is now seed oil-free frying and frying in beef tallow.